Hey, we couldn't give him the death penalty so we'll recommend that he gets put in General Population and hope that he meets with a bad end.
CNN's websiteThe key phrase here is:
"I'd vote for general population," prosecutor Nola Foulston told CNN. (CNN Access) She noted that pedophiles "don't usually fare well" in prison and added, "I think he ought to, you know, kind of hack it out with the rest of the guys there."
I was watching all this unfold yesterday on CNN's
Situation Room
when Wolf Blitzer asked Foulston "by recomending that Rader go into general population, are you hoping that harm will come to him?" She basically answered yes.
Now, Rader is the modern face of evil. He is a perversion on the face of humanity. He could probably make the staunchest anti-death penalty advocate think twice. However, a prosecutor cannot circumvent her state's lack of a death penalty law by inciting violence in a prison.
Whether or not state sponsored killing is moral, Kansas cannot execute Rader because he committed his crimes prior to 1994 when Kansas took that huge leap backward and got themselves some killin' power. So now, he's faced the court system, been sentenced to a term that guarantees he'll never be a threat to the population again and still Foulston's not happy. Her statements following the sentencing are essentially tacit permission for the inmates at El Dorado to do what they want to him. From where I sit, that's vigilantism - strongly opposed by darn near every law maker and peace officer in the world.
Is that a great country or what. (heavy on the sarcasm for those that may have missed it.)